
Showing posts from April, 2017

Week 4

Cloned Dogs  Exploring this week’s topic has made me realize how little I know about any medical technologies that are happening in the world today. As mentioned in lecture, we are a part of a new culture that has caused our human bodies to be manipulated (Versa). The human body is constantly being examined, and  as technology advances , doctors are discovering new aspects of the body. This progress, however, leads doctors to feel that the Hippocratic oath does not address the current situation of the medical world.   As noted by Peter Tyson, times have changed since the Hippocratic Oath was created causing the oath to not be caught up with the economic, political, and social changes that are happening today (Tyson). Buzzfeed video of Cloning Dogs  An example of how much the times have changed medically is shown through the cloning of pets. This phenomenon has caused many pet owners to pay $100,000 to clone their dogs before they die. The process is do...

Week 3: Robotics

Image          This week, I found the topic to be fascinating, especially in its relation to TV and movies. Robotics are something that people in movies use as a way to show what the future could be like, however like Walter Benjamin, I to believe that this industrialization of robotics is taking away people's chances to have authenticity and uniqueness (Lecture 3). For example, the new HBO show Westworld has characters who are human like robots who like many other futuristic movies, turn against their creators (Time). I find the world of Westworld to specifically take away any of the creative aspect that humans have because the “robots” are so human like that actual human life is taken granted. Ultimately showing that the more we industrialized, the harder it will be for humans to thrive and there is a potential for the robots to turn against us. ...

Event 1

The first event I went to this quarter was a hands on workshop with Linda Weintraub where she showed a small group of us her exhibition at UCLA. Before we even went into the exhibition, Linda gave us some insightful information that relates to the class materials. A significant aspect of the exhibition was putting away your manufactured materials, like your phones and interacting with nature, which relates to an idea that Linda talked about called Neo-materialism. In his book, Neo-Materialism, Joshua Simon looks at the notion of neo-materialism as questioning the “material, shape, volume, scale, composition, and authorship only through the commodity character of objects” (Simon). Selfie This idea of neo-materialism relates a lot to week 2’s unit and the idea of math and art coming together. The art aspect of neo-materialism that I saw in the exhibition is found through the creative aspect of us interacting with the materials through our senses. The math in this exhibition come...